Sophie's Debut

Sophie Lia Kropf, age 1 hour.
Her birth coincided with July 4th fireworks.
Vitals: born 9:10 PM, 7/4/99, 7 lbs 6 ozs, 19.5 inches long.

Judy, Lauren, Sue (L-R), Sophie, and Noel (not pictured) - what a delivery team!
Lauren had incredible timing, coming from California to help us bring Sophie into the world.
Sue was Judy's primary caregiver throughout the pregnancy so it's
fitting that she was in charge for the final stretch
J of Judy's 50-hour labor.

One extremely ecstatic daddy was Noel. 

This photo was taken after she was weighed and washed.

Tuesday in the hospital.


Joanne didn't get much sleep on Sunday. She was midwife on the first two shifts.
These pictures were taken on Tuesday, July 6, shortly before we all left the hospital


We returned home on Tuesday evening. Thursday we posed with a Dahlia
that bloomed while Judy was in labor.


Sophie is cutest when she wakes.


Sitting up for a burp, this is the turtle look.

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