March and April 2000
First the words, then the pictures. Sophie got her first two teeth (the bottom front teeth)
at the end of March.
Around Purim we spent nearly two great weeks in Israel. Sophie
met and enjoyed ALL of her Israeli cousins, plus Savta and Saba Kropf. She stayed up for most of the plane
flight there, flirting with our neighbors and being
fascinated with all the little lights and movement in the
plane. She slept only a few hours that day but was very
good-natured (as always) on the flight. Lack of sleep made
the jet lag even harder for us. We rented a car so we were
able to travel around and visit two of Judy's old girl
friends, both of whom have new infants, and her "adopted"
Kurdish family on a moshav south of Tel Aviv. That was a
highlight as Noel went to the Kurdish synagogue service where
the megilla was read (Purim service), and we all enjoyed the
"oriental hospitality" of the Ezra family. We spent a
lot of good time in Efrat, where Noel's sister Julie lives with her
husband and six children. We were there for Purim and for the
bat mitzvah of Julie's daughter Leora. All the kids vied for
Sophie's attention and she loved it. Finally we visited Judy's
sister and her family for several hours before leaving for
the US. On the flight back Sophie slept nicely and had an
18-month old neighbor to interact with.
At that time of our Israel trip we were introducing some new foods to her, and since then she has really branched out. She
really likes to eat whatever she sees us eating and she prefers if we cut up little chunks for her right off our plates. Her
favorite foods right now are tofu (well spiced, naturally), cooked carrot chunks, mashed sweet potato,
cheerios, graham
crackers, (healthy) cheese doodles, bananas (preferably whole), and she loves chewing on apples. She has just started drinking
diluted orange juice from a sippy cup.
4/12 She now weighs 18 pounds, 14 ozs (8.6 kilos, 50th percentile),
her length is 28 1/4 inches (approx .75 meter, 75 %), and her
head size is 46 cm (90th %). So she is really a big girl. Sophie
can crawl now, though she usually does so in short spurts of
only a few feet. She loves to pull up on anything handy so she can
stand. She bounces happily and dances in a standing position, sometimes
only holding on with one hand, and occasionally even showing off with no hands
for an instant. She claps regularly when she is happy, two
nights ago she even clapped in her sleep during a happy dream. What fun
to be woken up by that sound! Her latest trick is waving with one hand. She
sometimes waves at herself in the mirror, and the other day she waved to
a little boy her age in the supermarket.
Sophie is enrolled in a "class" called Music
Together. Judy and Sophie went for the first session April
7th. We sit in a circle and sing, make hand motions,
play instruments like rattles and drums, and get up to
dance around. It is a social/musical program held at a music academy
in Croton. She now picks up the rattle on her own and shakes it to music at
home. Sophie is becoming much more friendly with dogs
and cats, and she loves it when we make all kinds of
animal noises. She loves us to read books with her, and
she turns the pages of her board books at the appropriate
time. Of course any kind of paper or plastic bag is very
attractive for its crinkly noise and enjoyable feeling in
the mouth.
Unfortunately all of us have been somewhat sick since we got back from
Israel on March 28. Sophie had an ear infection plus a cough, so
she has been on antibiotics. Since then she also caught
some sort of virus with attendant high temperatures (102°F)
and a little rash one day. Judy has had bronchitis and is
on antibiotics. Noel also has had a chest cold and a virus
but so far is fighting it off on his own. Sophie still
goes out dancing with us and prefers to stay up until we go
to bed. Last weekend we traveled to Washington DC for Judy's stepmom's
granddaughter's bat mitzvah, plus a Hungarian music and dance
party. We had a good time, but traveling in our bedraggled state
was hard.
4/23 Her top two top
front teeth came in within the past two weeks so now she has the four
front teeth.. When she reads Pat the Bunny she responds to each page
appropriately - puts her nose up against the mirror and chuckles at her
reflection, puts her finger through the ring, etc. She waves to herself in
mirrors and always perks up to see her picture on our computer
Some pictures from our Israel trip.

Yael and her baby daughter Yuval (pictured with Sophie in the background), who was
born in October 1999. Yael and her husband Beni have two sons, Daniel and Noam, who aren't
pictured here. Yael was Judy's housemate for three years while she lived
in Jerusalem in the 80s. She now teaches dancing to children in Bat Hefer, a town near
Hadera. She is French, and it is thanks to her that Judy's French improved
so much while living with her. Judy also visited Yael's parents in Draveil
(near Paris) in 1989, and they were regular guests of Judy and Yael's during the
time that they roomed together. Yael and Judy discovered international
folk dancing at about the same time, and danced in the same performing group,
too. Great dancing and partying buddy!

The Noishtatel family: Orly, Alon, and their three sons, Dror, Lior, and
Daniel. Orly and
Judy met when living in the dorms at Hebrew University, and Judy often visited
Orly's family in Nahariya in the north of Israel during the time she was living
in Jerusalem. Orly also visited Judy
in the States a couple of times, and even got to meet Judy's mom before she
passed away in 1988. Orly is such an incredible person, so wise, so funny,
so real and down-to-earth! I'm really glad that we're still in touch after all these years.
Purim at the Blobsteins in Efrat:

Maayan and Elie dance with their two grandmothers; Shoshie and Sophie give
big Elie a hard time.

Sophie trying on a tiara à la Queen Esther; Leora and her friends at her
Bat Mitzvah party

Noel and Sophie resting after the festivities; Shoshie and Tzion also take a
quiet break.