September and October 2001
Walking along our road on a gorgeous afternoon in September, Noel gives
Judy a break by carrying both girls at the same time. What a guy!
Sophie visits with her cousin Aleeza and new friend Lila at Croton Point

Visiting with our friends the Krstevskys at their home in Hunter, the weekend
before Sept 11. We're almost glad that our kids are too young to
understand the terrorist attacks so that we don't have to try to explain it to
them. It's difficult enough to try to explain it to ourselves. We're
still shell-shocked, months later.

Hanging with dad at home.

With friends at Friday night folkdancing. The blond woman in the
picture on the right is Yanka Roupkina, a famous Bulgarian singer.

eats ice cream with Ally and David Meer at a party at Stacey's house.
In October we flew to Florida (with a patriotic thumb of the nose to
Sept 11) for a
combination family visit/vacation. Noel's sister Julie came in from Israel
with her three girls, and we were all able to spend about 4 days together in
Orlando at Disney World. Sophie is a little young for the whole theme park
experience, but she got to be with her cousins, which she (and we) thoroughly
enjoyed. Noel's parents also joined us from Massachusetts, and it was
great spending some time with them before they leave for Israel again in late
November. While we were in Florida, we also drove up to Jacksonville to
visit Judy's grandmothers and other relatives and have them re-connect with
Sophie and meet Dalia for the first time.

Orlando highlights.
We visited both of Judy's grandmothers in Jacksonville, in addition to quick
visits to the beach and zoo.
We finished off the week with a quickie visit to the Washington, D.C., area for Judy's
step-niece Jessica's bat mitzvah. We had a rare
opportunity to visit with some old friends from the Washington folk dance

At Shirley & Joel's house, hanging with family; at the bat mitzvah party
Sophie got to play with the big kids!
Our schedules got a bit off kilter from the trip, but we reimposed bedtimes
and nursing schedules, and no one was the worse for wear. Back at Celeste:
Sophie wears her new sparkly sweater with shorts (her
choice!) to play down by the lake and enjoy the stunning fall foliage;
playing in a pile of leaves by our house.
girls hang out at a cider-making party at Risi Saunders' nearby farm.
Sharing a chuckle and a tune with our friend Ildikó Magyar at the October 27 Hungarian
táncház in NYC. Ildi managed to get Sophie to cooperate while she put
her hair in pigtails. So cute!!!
Soph agreed to have her hair played with again. She was
"helping" me pack up summer things and unpack winter things (boxes in
background), and then she agreed to smile for the camera. I think this is
one of the cutest pictures that we have of her!

Sophie (still in pigtails) and Dalia hanging out together at home.
Sophie still adores holding Dalia on the couch ("May I please hold Dalia on
the couch?") or in one of our big armchairs.
We are adding a master bedroom suite to the south side of our house.
The whole process has been fascinating. Below are some pictures of the
progress, begun in October.

is a large hole, with the beginnings of the footings just visible. View
from driveway.

Here are the masons, hard at work, putting up the "cinder block"
walls. This section will be the crawl space under our new bedroom.
View from sidewalk, just above construction.

are the finished walls and the gravel floor. View from sidewalk.
Check out the next installment in November!