The memorial gathering was held Saturday, June 10 in Brooklyn Heights, a couple of blocks from Erik's long-time apartment.  The weather was hot but a slight breeze freshened the atmosphere.

The eulogists spoke of Erik's love for discussion and his respect for others and courteous discourse.  His idealism and respect for the earth and deep thinking about who it belongs to as well as many other issues.  His romantic, playful, energetic personality.  

We acknowledged and thanked Franziska for her generosity and patience in caring for Erik through his illness.

* noon--Meet & Greet (stories, pictures): at top of the steps at Borough Hall
* 12:20--Eulogies
* 12:50--Fiddling and sing "Get up and go" Here are the lyrics.
* 1:00--Refreshments: Table in market 
* 1:30--Stained Glass Windows Tour: St. Ann's Church
* 1:45--Plaque: St. Ann's Church Garden
* 2:00-4:00--Music and Dancing--St. Ann's Church Hall

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