July 2001
July is going to be a big birthday month in our house.
This time around Noel got the best possible birthday present.
Sophie Turns Two (July 4)
Sophie surprised everyone by blowing out her candles in one
big puff. Maybe the practice blowing bubbles in the lake helped her lung
capacity :-) We had a big "make your own ice cream" party for
her on June 30 with about 40 guests of all ages, and then a smaller one on July
4. Noel spent the last week before the big party putting up a huge
swingset that we acquired from our neighbors.

One can now have quite a reasonable conversation with
Sophie. She loves fresh berries -- today we picked and ate three different kinds while
returning from a swim at the lake. She loves to play "Ring around the
Rosie" in the
lake. She
hates having water poured over her head in the bathtub. She still loves to read,
sing, and play music on various instruments. Amazingly, she remembers
books and songs that we haven't read or sung in a very long time. She
usually plays very nicely with her friends, although the normal 2-year-old
"mine, mine" is starting to show up. I guess one of my (Judy)
favorite things about her (besides her intelligence, musical talent, and sense
of humor) is her friendliness and social skills. I really, really enjoy
spending time with her because she is such a nice person to be with. We
plan to send her to nursery school starting in September, two days a week, for
two hours at a time.
Dalia's Debut (July 14)
Baby sister Dalia Maya arrived on July 14 at 4:50am. She weighed 8 lbs 8
ozs., and she was and is a rosy little rosebud, as you can see from the
pictures. Judy first felt
contractions around noon on Friday, July 13 (her due date), while baking a
chocolate layer cake for Noel's birthday. Noel came home
and we went to a regularly scheduled midwife visit, accompanied by our friend
Lauren (in green, below), a lay midwife visiting us from Berkeley, who had been
helping us out at home all week. (She also attended Sophie's birth two
years ago, and she and Sophie had a great time reconnecting during her stay
here.) At the office, Sue (Judy's regular midwife) informed us that Judy was dilated to
around 3 cm, and she advised us to go home and rest, and that she would see us
"in the wee hours." Judy finished frosting the birthday cake
(the "labor project"), had a late lunch, and did actually end up
resting. Around 8pm the contractions became stronger and more
regular. We alerted Noel's parents, who drove down from Amherst,
Mass., and they arrived
around 11 to take care of Sophie. At midnight Judy was dilated to 5cm and
we went to the hospital. First Judy labored in a tub, then on a birthing
stool, then on the bed on hands and knees. She pushed lying on her back
starting around 4:30 and 20 minutes later we coaxed the big girl out.
Noel tugged on Dalia's armpit and then caught her and cut her umbilical
cord. The labor and delivery were very intense and painful, but we did it
drug-free! It was nice not being attached to tubes this time, but
afterwards they gave Judy only Motrin (what a joke!) for the afterpains. Below are
Dalia's newborn pix and the amazing birth team.

L to R: Lauren Kalmanson (amazing doula), Noel (amazing
partner), Dalia (minutes old), Judy, Sue Cavanagh (amazing midwife), and Laura
Winter (amazing labor and delivery nurse)
Of course, later that afternoon Noel returned to the hospital
with his parents and Sophie to celebrate his and Dalia's birthday with champagne
and chocolate birthday cake, which came out great! :-)
Dalia means branch or tendril in Hebrew; in most romance
languages it means the flower Dahlia. She is named for Judy's late
maternal grandfather David and for Noel's late aunt Minna. We decided that
Dalia's ASL sign name will be the
letter D moved from one side of the upper lip to the other, like the sign
for flower. She is big and alert, and her neck muscles are pretty strong for a
10-day old. She's already smiling at us
Noel's parents stayed with us through the first week
postpartum, which was an unbelievable contribution. Rita took charge of
the kitchen, with meal planning and preparation for the whole gang, in addition
to entertaining Sophie, taking care of Judy, and holding Dalia. Allen kept
busy entertaining Sophie and Judy and also holding Dalia.
In the pictures below, Sophie holds Dalia at 1 week
old. Sophie loves
her baby sister, though naturally she's a little sad to lose her "only child" status.
She requests often to "hold my baby on the couch." She has been somewhat more demanding, contrary, and whiny
lately, though that's probably normal 2-year old behavior anyway. She
wants to nurse more than Judy is willing, that much is overt. We've been giving
Sophie lots of attention and love to try to compensate. She has a big new bed now and
climbs into it athletically, flipping over the bar at the foot of bed like a
gymnast. Some nights are okay; some nights are a little wild. Noel
has been taking on Sophie's nighttime antics so that Judy and Dalia can sleep.

The lake has been gorgeous lately. Here's our
self-portrait with Lake Celeste as background. Dalia is 12 days old
here. It's hard to believe that Sophie was once a tiny little peanut like
her--she seems ENORMOUS now!