March-April 2003
Family activities in March
Escaping the cold and snow, we visited Judy's grandmothers and other
relatives in Jacksonville, FL, as well as best friend Eve from high school, and
her husband, parents, and quadruplets (!) in Thomasville, GA.
This was quite a trip. Noel flew down with us, stayed for a day or so,
then flew out to Colorado to go skiing for three days, then came back in enough
time to go to the beach for one day and fly back with us to snow-covered New
York. I went through my usual weather weirdness, of packing for myself and
the girls when it was 12°F outside, then arriving in Jacksonville in 79°F and
what felt like 95% humidity. After the heat of the first day, it was
drizzly and chilly the rest of the week, but we were so busy appreciating the
green grass, trees, and flowers, instead of just piles of snow everywhere, that
we didn't even care that it wasn't very warm. We got to visit with a lot
of relatives and some old friends.
Swinging with Daddy in the rain before he left for skiing,
welcoming him back with sunny weather and a fantastic day together at the
beach. While we were on the beach, we cell-called our friend Eric Foxhall
at home in NY, just to see how things were going, as we were leaving for NY the
next day. He told us that they had just had 4 more inches of snow and that
his wife (Ridvan) was outside shoveling out the car. So we were
extra-appreciative of the 80-something degree day.

We were fortunate to be able to pay a couple of visits to
Judy's Grandma Cele (97 years old!), and reintroduce her to the little girls, as
well as hang out a bit with Eliot, one of Judy's favorite cousins, and his
lovely wife, Joyce (unfortunately, not pictured). We were thrilled to be
able to spend a nice bunch of time with Gail, Judy's other
"favorite" cousin, and the one to whom she is probably closest.
We were also lucky enough to meet at a regular family gathering, and so got to
spend a little time with a lot of cousins and great-aunts, as well as Grandma
Judy and Dalia posing with Ilana Manassee, one of Judy's first
Hebrew teachers (how does she still look the same after 30+years???), and our
friend, Robin Morris, who was and is still a Hebrew school teacher (she also
looks exactly the same! ). Both are also folk dance buddies, and accompanied
Judy and sister Deb when they attended Blue Star Dance camps while still in
their teens.

Stephanie, Emily, Olivia, and Stephen (in that order),
posing for me outside Eve's house in Georgia. Stephen took the next
picture of Eve and me and the girls, and Sophie and Dalia posed with Eve's
parents, who live next door to her. Eve homeschools her children, and she
even let me teach them a beginning sign-language class while she played with my
girls. Her children are so gorgeous, so well-behaved, so enthusiastic, and
they were so sweet with Sophie and Dalia. Sophie talks about them all the
time now!

After Purim festivities (in costume); girls posing for a picture at home;
out and about, enjoying the spring sunshine on the snow.
Family activities in April
Noel went to Israel for his nephew Zion's wedding to his lovely new bride,
Rivka, just before Passover. For Passover Seder, we welcomed Aaron and
Jana and their girls, as well as our friends Andy and Lisa, and our friend
Sylvia. A good time (we hope) was had by all. Later that month, we trekked together to Alfred, NY, to visit
Noel's Aunt Theda, his cousin Paul, Paul's wife Susan, and their Golden
Retriever, Siena.
Dalia--March and April words and
"I can do it all myself!" (clear as a bell--yes, that's a 6-word phrase! at
21 months of age)
"I love you so much!"
"Good idea, Mommy!" (or whoever)
"Come on, Mommy" (or whoever)
getting gradually better at correctly identifying colors and counting objects.
also getting gradually more independent, more inclined to resist being put in
her carseat, or run away, laughing, when we tell her to come.
It's amazing that at this exact age
(nearly 22 months), we actually let Sophie be a flower girl in our friends
Trixie and Ocsi's wedding. I still can't believe we/she did it. She was so
little! See April 2001 for pics.
"big buddy", "big guy"
"I winned!" This is a personal favorite of mine (this is still
Judy writing)! I love how kids acquire the rules of their language and
then generate their own utterances, as opposed to only imitating what they
hear. Back to Chomsky vs Skinner, I'm a Chomsky fan (only linguistically,
not politically, of course!). Though, of course, kids do imitate a
lot--we need to be very careful what we say in their earshot. When
we have sensitive things to discuss, we usually revert to Hebrew, French,
Spanish, Italian, or ASL! Thank goodness we are able to really
"read" each other in so many languages!
Sophie still loves to make up songs and stories, and she is constantly
regaling us with her new ideas for same. On the flip side, she challenges
us from morning to night. Nothing unusual for her age, but still very
demanding and exhausting. However, we have many friends who are ill, or
who are in the process of adopting children or going through fertility
intervention to have them, or whose children have delays or other problems, and
whenever I talk to them or think about them, I just remind myself of how blessed
and grateful we are, for each other and our wonderful relationship, for our good
health, for our normal (even "above average" :-)) and healthy
children, for our great home, etc., etc., and then somehow our challenges with
Sophie become miniscule by comparison and easier to bear.