
Hungarian camp day 4

Here in Sauk Valley Camp we have busy days and nights having too much fun plus very flaky wifi. Gorgeous Photos, video and music uploads and more extensive posts will hopefully be forthcoming later points in the trip.

The music and dance has been spectacular. Cool weather continues to make the intense workouts slightly less sweaty. Tonight the teachers and 2 bands performed a concert before the dance party. My leg muscles are very tired so I am taking it easy in the hopes of dancing with gusto tomorrow and Friday. Oh no! Only two more days of camp!!! 

Making gulyas in a very large pot to be served at the late night party:

Late night free dancing to live music by Sarju and Duvo bands with various guests;

I plan to post our itinerary soon. We leave here Saturday, next stop downtown Chicago, then Moline, Omaha, and the badlands.