
7/26–by Judy

Spent a lovely day setting up our tents and stuff at sweet Manzanita (little apple) campsite in the Coconino National Forest, not far from Sedona.  We even went wading/swimming in Oak Creek, where we had a little private area. Towards evening, we visited with Noel’s old high school friend Linda, and visited her parents in their stunning home in Sedona.  Then we explored Sedona a little and ended up eating dinner with Linda at “Etch,” in L’Auberge.  Amazing food, very elegant and lovely atmosphere, and sort of an extreme switch for us to be camping and swimming, and then get all dressed up and go out for a really nice dinner, then come back to a tent.  

One reply on “7/26–by Judy”

Hi Noel and Judy and Sophie and Dalia! Just caught up on your blog and love the vicarious pleasure of “going along” on your travels. We have been to all those places except Sedona – first when the kids were very small (ages 6 and 2) and later with a visiting Japanese teenager when he and Ethan were age 15 and Miriam was 11. Wow! that was a long time ago, but it doesn’t seem that long… I have some amazing memories of nursing little toddler Miriam on a promontory overlooking the Grand Canyon at dusk. We were camping too… I don’t remember anyone else around because it was early June. Bryce and Zion were also stunning. We need to get back to those areas again… Keep enjoying your trip. Love you, Laura and Chris