
July 27-29–by Judy

Here in gorgeous Santa Fe, NM–what a beautiful city!!!  We are staying with Noel’s childhood friend Anne and her husband David, their wonderful and entertaining animals, in their beautiful house filled with music and art.  We went down to the Plaza, looked at the beautiful cathedral and the nearby Prado art display, and then walked around and shopped for jewelry at the Native American market.  It was amazing to meet the artisans in person.  

We also visited a cool installation called Meow Wolf.  Pictures below:

While here, we’ve been contacting our Balkan music friends to see if they are available to get together.We lucked out last night and Polly Tapia-Ferber joined us for dinner at Cowgirl.  Unfortunately, I forgot to get a pic of the group, but a good time was had by all.  And we will see her again next week at camp on the east coast, which is actually so weird and awesome.

One reply on “July 27-29–by Judy”

I love the starburst picture! I’ve “stolen ” it to use as wallpaper on my new phone..
It’s a bit demanding in that usage, so I dropped the contrast some.
You guys are having so much fun….

Love, Martha