
7/20-21-22, LA, LV, AZ, UT by Judy

Arrived 7/20 in LA to our friend Byron’s lovely house in Sherman Oaks.  We met Dalia’s friend Hope and her mom Andrea, who were visiting colleges, and joined them for dinner at City Walk @ Universal Studios.

Then we saw Dunkirk, which had just opened, in City Walk’s absolutely lovely, clean movie theatre, with reclinable cushy seats and stunning bathrooms.  Most comfortable and luxurious movie theatre experience ever!

Today (7/21) we had breakfast at Brighton Coffee shop in Beverley Hills, then walked around the Santa Monica Pier, for one last bonding with the Pacific and the left coast, then began our eastward journey towards Vegas.  

Happy birthday to two of my best friends, Trixie and Marta, who just happened to have been born on the same day in the same year, in Canada and Poland!!!  Boldog szulinapot és sto lat!!!

We’ve just arrived at our crazy hotel, Circus Circus.  Kind of overwhelming, hot, noisy, and crowded, but our room is very quiet and cool.  Pics to follow….


Glad to be out of LV.  I know that plenty of people enjoy that scene, no judgement, but it’s not for me.  Maybe it was just our hotel, but it was totally crowded with loud confused families making their way through crowded confusing hallways, with small loud screaming children, gambling and seeking entertainment.
Something else that made me sad and a little nauseated was walking down the strip and seeing homeless people right next to such opulence and conspicuous consumption.  

At least we found a great Italian spot to dine and slept well in our cool, quiet room.  We are so blessed.
Btw, we stopped at a different hotel on the old strip this morning to get coffee at Starbucks after waiting much too long at ours, and the whole vibe much more chill.  So maybe it was just our kooky hotel on the new strip that was nuts.

We are now in Utah, at Bryce Canyon after visiting  Zion National Park. Zion was STUNNING.  If anyone is into photography, definitely pay this area a visit.  Hard to get a bad shot, even on an iPhone.  

This is much more our style:  fewer people, stunning views, nature out the wazoo, quiet and gorgeous.  No long lines, no cranky tourists.  I’m at the little pool at our campsite (a pool!  I know, right?) and there are only a few families, French, Swedish, and American, and they are all pretty chill.  Baruch Hashem.


July 18-19 Surfing in Monterey Bay (Del Monte beach), camping in Arroyo Seco, beach in Sta. Barbara-by Judy


Dalia, Noel, and Sophie took a nice long surfing lesson this morning.  It was way too cold and windy for this Florida native, so I watched the lesson and took pics (chicken, baak, baak).  

Then we headed south to camp at Arroyo Seco.  The drive was absolutely stunning, with beautiful tree-covered mountains and huge vineyards.  California actually reminds me a lot of Italy and Israel in that way:  it’s hard to take a bad picture here because it’s so gorgeous.  Same with the food–we’ve been really lucky.


Spent a beautiful night at our campsite in the Arroyo Seco forest.  There’s something so peaceful about cooking, eating, cleaning up, and sleeping in the woods.  No rushing, no cell service, no internet.  Just beauty, plus the sound of the crickets and bullfrogs (just like at our house in ny!).


We found Leadbetter Beach in Santa Barbara.  Stunningly gorgeous weather, just the right amount of sun for basking and the right amount of wind for sailing and parasailing.  First we saw lots of parasailors, and then over 20 sailboats.  This place is just gorgeous.  Just watching all the boats and kites makes me happy.  We also ended up getting a great dinner right on the beach.  I want to move here. 
Noel kept trying to contact our next campsite, but they didn’t answer–we think it may be closed due to recent fires, since they’re in that area.  ☹️ So we found a motel that has both internet and showers, both of which we respect greatly.  👍🏼  Good night, Santa Barbara! 


Redwoods in SF -Dalia




Lovely time at “home” in SF 7/11-7/17–by Judy

We’ve spent a great few days at my dear friend Diana’s in the Mission district.  Talk about location!  We have seen SF at its prettiest and warmest.  (Diana always says that whenever I visit her here, the sun comes out. 😀). Needless to say, it has been wonderful being with such a dear friend during such a sad time.  

It has been great for our girls and Noel, too, to get to know both Diana and her daughter Lila better.  We have had the opportunity to visit with my dear friend and old flatmate (and doula for both births!) Lauren in San Rafael, Noel’s cousin Jonathan and his wife Karen in Fairfax, Diana’s mother Marilyn and Noel’s cousin Ellen in Berkeley, and Noel’s old Tomov dance troupe friends at a reunion in Oakland.  Noel and the girls also went to what sounds like a great J Cole concert on Friday, while I stayed home and had a sweet Erev Shabbat with Diana and Lila.  Pics to follow…

We reluctantly parted from dear Diana and Lila this morning–best friends and hosts ever–and just met our old friends Cynthia and John for lunch in Los Gatos.  We are wending our way south to Monterey and Carmel Valley for the night.  

Monterey was gorgeous–we walked on the beach and collected a few rocks.  I hope that’s legal.  Now we’ve arrived at our little lodge in Carmel Valley for the night.  It’s very sweet but has no usable wifi to speak of.  I think the universe is trying to tell us to disconnect…

Tomorrow Noel and Dalia have a surfing lesson and I will find something else to do with Sophie, possibly the Monterey aquarium.



remembering Avi, z”l – by Judy

We lost my (Judy’s) beloved nephew Avi Weisblatt last Thursday.  No words can express what a loss this is to the world and to the people who knew him.  He was an amazing, beautiful, religious, musical, curious, brilliant, very spiritual person, who always seemed to see the good in everything and acknowledge it.  He had been suffering from spinal cancer for the last 3 years.  He leaves behind a beautiful wife and two beautiful daughters, his twin brother and 3 sisters, two loving parents, in-laws, aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins, in addition to his many friends and his community in Psagot and Beit Shemesh.  Baruch Dayan Emet.  Rest in peace, sweet Avi, and be free from illness and pain.  May everyone strive to make the world a better place in your memory.




Elko, NV; Reno, NV; Portola, CA; Yosemite; and San Fran!  7/9-12

Having been trying to write but have had no reliable internet for the past few days.  So I can’t even see what my other family members are writing…but I’ll try to keep this short and descriptive, then add the pics later when I upload everything.
We had a very fun short visit to Elko.  We all tried on cowboy boots and I even found a pair that fit!  Leather soles for dancing, super comfortable for walking around.  I broke them in attending an art fair in Elko with Dalia.

Art in the park
Sophie’s first impression of slot machines, at a hotel/casino where we stopped to get Starbucks. Quite overwhelming!

Then we made our way to Reno, where we visited Claire, a very sweet relative of Noel’s, and walked on the river walk in the center of town.  What a great, groovy place!  

Art is everywhere in Reno

Later in the afternoon we made it to Portola, CA, to visit Claire’s daughter Laura and her husband Chris.  They are amazing and wonderful. I had only met Laura and Claire once before, at Noel’s cousin Clea’s bat mitzvah a long time ago, so it was a joy getting to know them better, make food and music with them and appreciate their beautiful home in the woods.

Laura and Chris, Noel’s amazing cousins. It was so hard to leave them–they really felt like home.

The next day we drove through Yosemite, stopping at some great lookouts, including one of Half Dome. 

We made it to our cute little lodge “Yosemite Bug” and got out early the following day to hike the Vernal Falls and part of the Yosemite  Falls.  Stunning area, absolutely spectacular!

View of Vernal Falls from the trail
Not the easiest hike, but we made it!
View of Yosemite Falls after hiking the “lower” trail
Girls making cairns
View of Yosemite falls

Now we are in San Francisco staying with my old and dear friend Diana and her daughter Lila for a few days.  We plan to show the girls the city and see other relatives and friends while here.  Noel and Dalia will be celebrating their birthdays (62 & 16, respectively) on Friday, and we plan to attend a rap concert that evening (Dalia’s choice).

Tiny cars are everywhere
Art is everywhere in San Francisco, too!
Noel and Dalia playing frisbee in Delores Park
Sophie meeting kindred spirits in Delores Park

On a sadder note, I just learned yesterday that my dear nephew Avi’s cancer has spread.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.  His Hebrew name is Avraham Daniel ben Devora Tova.  Thanks.  


Left Coast – SF respite

After Elko we had a wonderful visit with cousins Laura and Chris in Portola CA followed by two amazing days in Yosemite. We’ll write about those experiences and add lots of pix in the next few days, because we now have 4 days to rest and explore the SF bay area while staying with our dear friend Diana. Some of you may remember Diana as the tall beauty in the red dress who sang at our wedding nearly 19 years ago. We are thrilled to have this time to stay in one place for several days, slow down just a bit, and enjoy the cool climate and all the fun and wonderful things to see and do here. We have some plans already and are scheduling meet-ups with cousins and friends. 

Hallelujah! 4000 miles and almost three weeks from the start, we are roughly at the midpoint of our travels. The car has performed perfectly and we are all getting along and all tremendously giddy with enjoyment and gratitude for the opportunity.

View from our window in SF Mission district

Dalia has embraced map-reading and helping with navigation – very necessary as the parks and remote areas often have no cell phone or wifi services. She is also very engaged with seeking out places to visit and things to do, while remaining flexible when plans need to adjust to reality. 


Elko, Nevada -Dalia

We arrived in Elko and found our hotel, right across the street from a Boot Barn. We tried on some fancy (and expensive) authentic cowboy boots and my mom bought some ankle boots for dancing. It was so fun, and the people there taught us how to pronounce Nevada like a true local. (Neh-vaaaah-duh,  NOT  neh-voh-dah). I’m excited for tomorrow because we might get to visit an art fair in the park before we leave for Portolla, California. We might also go to a ghost town, Virginia City, near Reno. Looking forward to more adventures in new places!


Dalia’s favorites at Yellowstone


[wpvideo pO7oy5Rh]​​Old Faithful

[wpvideo j8UqCqJ8]​​other colorful geysers

[wpvideo gBayN7sL]​beautiful waterfall and cliffs


Singing at Emma’s Café

​[wpvideo eZmyuAsU]​