We’ve spent a great few days at my dear friend Diana’s in the Mission district. Talk about location! We have seen SF at its prettiest and warmest. (Diana always says that whenever I visit her here, the sun comes out. 😀). Needless to say, it has been wonderful being with such a dear friend during such a sad time.
It has been great for our girls and Noel, too, to get to know both Diana and her daughter Lila better. We have had the opportunity to visit with my dear friend and old flatmate (and doula for both births!) Lauren in San Rafael, Noel’s cousin Jonathan and his wife Karen in Fairfax, Diana’s mother Marilyn and Noel’s cousin Ellen in Berkeley, and Noel’s old Tomov dance troupe friends at a reunion in Oakland. Noel and the girls also went to what sounds like a great J Cole concert on Friday, while I stayed home and had a sweet Erev Shabbat with Diana and Lila. Pics to follow…
We reluctantly parted from dear Diana and Lila this morning–best friends and hosts ever–and just met our old friends Cynthia and John for lunch in Los Gatos. We are wending our way south to Monterey and Carmel Valley for the night.
Monterey was gorgeous–we walked on the beach and collected a few rocks. I hope that’s legal. Now we’ve arrived at our little lodge in Carmel Valley for the night. It’s very sweet but has no usable wifi to speak of. I think the universe is trying to tell us to disconnect…
Tomorrow Noel and Dalia have a surfing lesson and I will find something else to do with Sophie, possibly the Monterey aquarium.